
The Voice of Africa TV is a media establishment built on the core principle of fundamental human freedom, equality, and social justice. It is an anti-impunity and anti-corruption media organization dedicated to the promotion of economic freedom, growth and development.

It is being operated by young African professionals with expertise in journalism, business, finance, economics, maritime administration and other areas. We stand for the truth and shall demonstrate high level of integrity, intelligence, courage and confidence in our operation. Placing the interest of society above the interest of individual is African Standard’s responsibility.

We shall be respectful but fearless in digging the news and presenting the facts. We will endeavor to present accurate, credible and balanced information with clarity to our readers. High degree of objectivity will be demonstrated in our day to day journalistic operations. We believe in the utilitarian principle – the greater good for the greater number of people.

We believe in the democratic change of government and transfer of power as oppose to armed rebellion. We believe that every society should provide equal opportunity to every man and woman to develop their potential, seek educational advancement and that he or she live a peaceful life with a better living standard.

Ensuring sustained coverage of the Millennium Development Goals for its total achievement is our devoted pledge as we believe in the dignity of mankind not degradation and humiliation. Thus every action taken to safe humanity is justified once human suffering is adverted and innocent lives are protected. The idea of the opulent few swimming at the expense of the poor is totally discourage by the African Standard.

We believe that openness and fairness should be the hallmark of public service and that every government should be accountable to its people and that the people should judge it performance at the ballot box.

Public plunderers who subject the rest of society to poverty and suffering are certainly our foe and we shall relentlessly crusade their submission to justice. Those who cherish impunity are nothing but enemy of humanity, they shall be battled with the truth. African Standard brings to the fold an unwavering and burning desire to expose impunity which continues to bedevil the continent of Africa and subject the masses to abject poverty.

We shall report issues affecting the African continent and the global community. Universal precepts of journalism and other acceptable professional ethics will guide our coverage of national and international issues. The African Standard will fully subscribe to the ethical principle and objective of the Press Union of Liberia and other international standards. Hence, the Voice of Africa Tv is without borders and will dig hard for the News as a partnership will be forged with civil society organizations to expose shady deals in private sector initiatives and collectively struggle to not only expose fraud, waste and abuse in public and private sector financial management but to actually fight fraud, waste and abuse.